Mon-Fri: from 10:00 to 18:00 in Kyiv
Sat, Sun: Closed

This operation is performed automatically.

Exchange rate: 1 USDT = 1.005 USD

min.: 2000 USDT max.: 49751.2438 USDT


min.: 2010 USD max.: 50000 USD

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Exchange Tether TRC20 USDT to Cash in Uman USD

Are you looking to quickly and safely exchange USDT TRC20 for cash dollars at a favorable rate in Uman? The cryptocurrency exchange BitOcean24 can assist you in this. Take advantage of all the benefits of our service to complete the transaction without hidden fees and charges.

How to cash out USDT TRC20: simple instructions

Create an order

Submit a request by providing all the necessary information in the form fields. Specify the exact amount of USDT TRC20 you plan to cash out in Uman. Using the online calculator, you will immediately know the amount in USD that you will receive in cash. The calculator takes into account the current exchange rate and discounts. Fill in the contact information fields carefully, including email and Telegram. Agree to the rules and create the request by clicking “Exchange”.

Reserve cash

Contact the operator using online chat or our Telegram bot. Ask him about the availability of fiat reserve in Uman. After the operator confirms the reserve, you can safely make payment, following the instructions of the exchanger.

Get сash

After payment confirmation, you will be provided with the cash desk address in Uman, as well as a code to retrieve USD for cashing out Tether USDT.

Step 1
Step 2
Step 3

Is it advantageous to sell Tether USDT on BitOcean24: 4 reasons


We prioritize the confidentiality of the information you provide and only use it with your consent. Registered clients can further adjust privacy settings in their personal account

Partnership program

Invite your friends and acquaintances and earn together with us. By participating in our program, you can generate passive income by sharing your referral link. Receive a percentage from currency exchanges

Profitable exchange

Register on the site and already now get a 0.05% discount. This will help you sell USDT (TRC20) for dollars in Uman more favourably. And after reaching the turnover of $500 000 you will have VIP-status, which will allow you to make exchanges at individual rates and consult with your personal manager 24/7

Customer support

Our operators are always available. They are ready to provide professional assistance and guide you through complex issues. Simply reach out to them in the chat on the website or through the Telegram bot

With BitOcean24, withdrawing cryptocurrency into cash is quick and reliable. All you need to do is follow simple instructions.