Mon-Fri: from 10:00 to 18:00 in Kyiv
Sat, Sun: Closed

This operation is performed automatically.

Exchange rate: 1 USDT = 1.005 USD

min.: 2000 USDT max.: 49751.2438 USDT


min.: 2010 USD max.: 50000 USD

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Exchange Tether TRC20 USDT to Cash in Kropivnitsky USD

Do you use cryptocurrency? Then you might be interested in how to exchange USDT TRC20 for cash dollars at a favorable rate in Kropyvnytskyi. BitOcean24 exchange service offers the opportunity to cash out USDT without even needing to register on the platform. This makes the process fast and straightforward. However, registered users can enjoy additional bonuses (more about them below).

How to cash out USDT TRC20 in Kropyvnytskyi: simple steps

Create an order

Fill in the order form. Enter the amount of tezere to be withdrawn in the “Give” field. You will immediately know how many US dollars you will receive, thanks to the online calculator. The current exchange rate and your discounts (for registered users) will be taken into account. Next, enter your telegram (login without @) and email. For maximum convenience, run the telegram bot. Click “I agree to the rules”, and if you don’t want the site to remember your information, tick “Do not remember entered data”. To create an order, the only thing left to do is click “Exchange”.

Reserve cash

Contact the operator and reserve the cash. The Telegram bot or online chat (in the bottom right corner of the screen) can assist you with this. The operator will confirm the availability of US dollars in Kropyvnytskyi shortly. Now, proceed to pay for your request using the provided instructions (payment page).

Get сash

Receive the address and code for cryptocurrency withdrawal. The manager will provide you with this information. Provide the code at the Kropyvnytskyi cashier and receive fiat in cash USD.

Step 1
Step 2
Step 3

Why it’s advantageous to partner with us:

Absence of hidden fees

On our platform, clients can immediately see the exchange rate at which they can sell Tether USDT for cash in Kropyvnytskyi and the amount they will receive

Absence of hidden fees

Prompt customer support

You can ask any of your questions in the support chat. Operators will provide an accurate answer in the shortest possible time

 Prompt customer support

No Registration required

If you have limited time and don’t want to go through the registration and account verification process, you can exchange Tether USDT by simply filling out the form

No Registration required

Client benefits

Right after registering on BitOcean24, you receive a cumulative 0.05% discount on exchanges, which accrues over time (more details in the ‘Discounts’ section)

Client benefits

Enjoy all the benefits of withdrawing Tether USDT to cash with our crypto exchange.