Mon-Fri: from 10:00 to 18:00 in Kyiv
Sat, Sun: Closed

This operation is performed automatically.

Exchange rate: 1 USDT = 1.005 USD

min.: 2000 USDT max.: 49751.2438 USDT


min.: 2010 USD max.: 50000 USD

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Exchange Tether TRC20 USDT to Cash in Ivano-Frankivsk USD

Do you use cryptocurrency? If so, you’re likely searching for a place where you can conduct a profitable exchange of USDT TRC20 for dollars in Ivano-Frankivsk. Our exchange service offers a competitive rate and is completely secure. See for yourself how easy it is to use.

How to cash out USDT TRC20 in Ivano-Frankivsk using BitOcean24

Create an order

Correctly fill in all the required fields to create your request. Specify the amount of Tether you wish to exchange. The systеm will immediately calculate the amount of cash in US dollars you will receive, taking into account the current exchange rate and any applicable discounts (which you will learn about below). Then, agree to the rules of cashing out USDT TRC20 into dollars and click “Exchange.” Your request is created.

Reserve cash

Pay for your enquiry. Before this, you need to reserve the necessary amount of fiat in Ivano-Frankivsk. To do this, contact the operator, who will confirm the availability of money in the cash desk. It remains to pay for the order, following the simple instructions.

Get сash

Once the payment is confirmed, you can cash out USDT TRC20 into dollars at the cash desk, using the provided address. All that’s required is to provide the code given to you by the operator.

Step 1
Step 2
Step 3

The advantages of the BitOcean24 exchange


No hidden fees or payments. You know exactly what rate your fiat is being exchanged at


Customer support

We provide all the necessary information through our support chat and Telegram bot

Customer support

Registration Benefits

We offer cumulative discounts for regular customers and a Partner Program

Registration Benefits

Fast Exchange

Operators start processing orders as soon as they are submitted to the site, the exchange will not take much time

Fast Exchange

Take advantage of all the advantages of our exchanger by selling tezer on good deals for you. We in turn are ready to answer all your questions and provide comprehensive information.