Mon-Fri: from 10:00 to 18:00 in Kyiv
Sat, Sun: Closed

This operation is performed automatically.

Exchange rate: 1 USDT = 1.005 USD

min.: 2000 USDT max.: 49751.24378109 USDT


min.: 2010 USD max.: 50000 USD

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Exchange Tether ERC20 USDT to Cash in Uzhgorod USD

BitOcean24 provides an easy way to exchange USDT ERC20 in Uzhgorod to cash dollars without additional complications and hidden fees. Sell your Tether USDT with us and get dollars at the cash desk in your city.

How does it work?

Create an order

For cashing USDT ERC20 in Uzhgorod, fill out the form selecting the amount of Tether USDT for sale. The calculator will automatically calculate everything taking into account the current exchange rate. Provide contact details for communication. After agreeing with the rules, click “Exchange” to create order .

Reserve cash

Contact with our operator by online chat or telegram bot to reserve the required amount of fiat in your city. The operator will confirm the availability of the reserve and you can pay for the application according to the instructions on the payment page.

Get сash

Upon completion of the payment, our manager will provide you with a unique code with which you will be able to collect the cash previously reserved at the cash desk.

Step 1
Step 2
Step 3

Why is it profitable to sell Tether USDT for dollars in Uzhgorod with BitOcean24?

No hidden fees

We provide honest and open transactions where there are no additional commissions or other fees. Every transaction implies clarity and transparency for our customers.

	No hidden fees

High level of security

Personal data and financial assets are protected. We adhere to strict standards, ensuring secure exchange and confidentiality of all transactions.

	High level of security

Geographical accessibility

You can use our services not only in Uzhgorod, but also all over Ukraine and beyond. Our service allows you to withdraw USDT TRC20 in any convenient place for you.

	Geographical accessibility

Referral programme and bonuses

Join our affiliate programme, share your referral link and receive a percentage of successful exchanges. Post your link on your website, blog or social media.

	Referral programme and bonuses

Use our comfortable Tether ERC20 USDT to USD exchange service. We guarantee speed, security and good deals for every client.