Mon-Fri: from 10:00 to 18:00 in Kyiv
Sat, Sun: Closed

This operation is performed automatically.

Exchange rate: 1 USDT = 1.005 USD

min.: 2000 USDT max.: 49751.24378109 USDT


min.: 2010 USD max.: 50000 USD

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Exchange Tether ERC20 USDT to Cash in Odessa USD

Cryptocurrency exchanger Bitocean24 offers to exchange USDT ERC20 to cash dollars in Odessa. With us you will make the conversion quickly and safely and at a favourable exchange rate.

3 easy steps to exchange USDT ERC20 in Odessa

Create an order

Make an order on the website by filling in all the required fields in the form. sеlect the amount of USDT ERC20 you want to withdraw. Enter your e-mail address and Telegram account to receive notifications about the status of the transaction. Read the rules and then click “Exchange”. Your request has been successfully created!

Reserve cash

Contact our operator by live chat on the website or in the Telegram bot to reserve the required amount fiat. After confirming the availability of the required amount of money, you can proceed to payment.

Get сash

After confirming your payment, our manager will send you accurate address of the cashier’s office, and unique code to get cash dollars for cashing USDT ERC20 in Odessa.

Step 1
Step 2
Step 3

4 advantages of exchanging Tether USDT cryptocurrency with us:

Transparent terms

We do not charge any additional or hidden commissions. You always know clearly the amount you are giving and the amount you are receiving. Our online calculator allows you to instantly calculate the final cost of the exchange.

	Transparent terms

Bonus systеm

Every time you use services of our exchanger, the more personalized discounts you get! And clients with large volumes get an exclusive VIP-status with maximum privileges.

	Bonus systеm

Optimal rate

Thanks to direct co-operation with liquidity providers, we can offer one of the best Tether USDT selling rates on the market. You will be able to get maximum dollars for your Tether tokens.

	Optimal rate

Comfort and popularity

Our online service is available for use in many cities of Ukraine and abroad. Wherever you are, you can easily sell Tether USDT for dollars in Odessa using our comfortable interface.

	Comfort and popularity