Mon-Fri: from 10:00 to 18:00 in Kyiv
Sat, Sun: Closed

This operation is performed automatically.

Exchange rate: 1 USD = 0.95 USDT

min.: 2000 USD max.: 50000 USD


min.: 1900 USDT max.: 47500 USDT

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Exchange Cash in Ternopil USD to Tether TRC20 USDT

Get cryptocurrency to your wallet at the best exchange rate without hidden fees. Buy USDT TRC20 in Ternopil for cash USD safely and securely at BitOcean24 online currency exchanger.

Step-by-step instruction: How to get Tether in Ternopil

Create an order

To create a request, write the sum of the dollar to be given. sеlect your email and login in Telegram, which will receive information about the status of the order. The calculator will calculate the amount of Tether USDT that will come to the wallet. Additionally, discounts are added if registration on the site is completed. At the end, agree with the rules and click “Exchange”.

Pay in cash to the cashier

Operator in online chat or in our Telegram bot will give you the address of the cash desk in Ternopil, where you can bring cash. The exchange of US dollars to Tether (USDT) is carried out by a unique code. After visiting the cash desk and handing over the dollars, click on the site “I paid order” to complete the transaction.

Cryptocurrency enabled

After depositing USD, the cashier will send us a confirmation and we will transfer the purchased cryptocurrency to your wallet. It usually takes about 15-60 minutes to transfer crypto.

Step 1
Step 2
Step 3

4 reasons to choose BitOcean24

You don’t have to sign up

Want to exchange cash dollars to USDT TRC20 in Ternopil confidentially? Then you can not register on the site, enter a minimum of contact information and get cryptocurrency.

	You don't have to sign up

Comfort of personal cabinet

Registered clients have access to personal cabinet, which has all the information about receiving and exchanging cryptocurrency. There you can also make additional settings and change contact details.

	Comfort of personal cabinet

Profitable rate

Clients of BitOcean24 exchange always get the best rate on the market. Exchange USD to USDT TRC20 with profit without spending additional money on commissions and additional fees.

	Profitable rate

Participation in the Affiliate Program

Additional gains are received by sharing your personal referral link with friends and colleagues. Place it on your social media page, website or forum and receive bonuses.

	Participation in the Affiliate Program

BitOcean24 is designed to maximize customer comfort and usability. Our focus is on ease of use, and we aim to provide a clear and efficient platform for buying and selling cryptocurrency.