Mon-Fri: from 10:00 to 18:00 in Kyiv
Sat, Sun: Closed

This operation is performed automatically.

Exchange rate: 1 USD = 0.95 USDT

min.: 2000 USD max.: 50000 USD


min.: 1900 USDT max.: 47500 USDT

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Exchange Cash in Nikolaev USD to Tether TRC20 USDT

Of course, BitOcean24 is an ideal choice for those who are looking for an exchanger without hidden fees and commissions. Here you can successfully buy USDT TRC20 in Nikolaev using cash US dollars. Our service guarantees a high level of security and safety.

USD to Tether USDT exchange instruction

Create an order

Fill in the mandatory fields in the exchange order form. Among other things, it is important to enter the amount of dollars you want to exchange for USDT in the TRC20 network. The calculator will make a calculation at the current exchange rate. Carefully fill in the column with contact details, specifying your email and Telegram account. They will receive all important information about your request, so you can control the exchange of USD to Tether USDT. After filling in all the lines, agree with the rules and click “Exchange.

Pay in cash to the cashier

Through online chat or a Telegram bot, the support team will provide you with the address of the cash desk where you can deposit cash. At the cash desk, when you deposit dollars for the purchase of Tether USDT, tell the code given by the operator. Then click on “I paid the order” on the website page.

Cryptocurrency enabled

Once the cashier confirms that the USD cash has been deposited, the USDT is transferred to the wallet you specified. This will take about 15-60 minutes.

Step 1
Step 2
Step 3

Exchanging USDT TRC20 to BitOcean24: 4 reasons why it’s worth it

No additional commissions

There are no additional commissions or hidden fees with us. We have made sure that the exchanger is practical to use, all necessary fees are already calculated into the exchange rate.

	No additional commissions

Information support

Ask your questions in the online chat. Operators will try to give a detailed answer quickly. This allows you solve any problems related to buying USDT TRC20.

	Information support

Saving time

It takes minimum time to exchange cash dollars to USDT TRC20 in Nikolaev. Processing requests on the site is done quickly and qualitatively. After all, we value the time of customers.

	Saving time

Partnership program

Share your own referral link on social networks, forums or with friends. You can bring an unlimited number of users and earn passively.

	Partnership program

Both registered and unregistered visitors are welcome to successfully use BitOcean24.